showcase X Shore
X Shore challenges traditional motorboats with electric boats in the luxury segment. The design is sleek and Scandinavian, the material choices uncompromising, and the drivetrain exclusively quiet and environmentally friendly electric. Ahead of the global launch of the new X Shore Bowrider, the company has chosen Swedish Frames to provide 3D visualizations.
With our experience straddling the boundary between technical precision and artistic storytelling, we align perfectly with Xshore's values.
X Shore
3D visualization

The Assignment
X Shore's communication strategy is highly visual, relying on photographs and films set in representative environments. Archipelago exteriors, Swedish summer lighting, and Scandinavian purity are consistent themes in the company’s branding.
But how do you create representative and compelling summer images of a boat in November? And how do you meet the highest possible expectations for photographic perfection? The solution was a collaboration between
X Shore, Swedish Frames, and the software company QTE.
This challenge became one of the most demanding we have ever undertaken at Swedish Frames, involving CAD, 3D modeling, traditional sketching, and generative AI.

Visit to X Shore to document details in material choices and assembly

​CAD file prior to conversion and texturing. At this stage, X Shore's engineers hand over the project to Swedish Frames’ creatives.

Made for Water
Unlike a car, which looks the same in a garage as on the road, a boat's lines appear completely different in water than on land. Boats are fundamentally designed to be experienced in water! The solution was a hybrid design with a bold yet barely visible waterline. The resulting image became one of X Shore's favorites for future branding.
Boats and people belong together. This is especially evident in visual contexts. A boat without people must be moored — but X Shore was adamant that they wanted moving boats in water! Working with people and digital models became one of the project’s major challenges.
Generative AI is popular but gives a false impression that product images can be created easily. The truth is that few companies are willing to train AI models with their sensitive product designs, and AI struggles to render them accurately.
In the film clip above, AI assists with the environment and water simulation. The entire sequence is built using advanced techniques involving CAD, 3D rendering, Photoshop, and generative AI.
Configurator — The Key to Sales!
Being able to configure an order in peace with clear images is naturally a sales booster. Thanks to our friends at QTE, the website now features an advanced configurator, making the sales process entirely
web-based and seamless.
The configurator is also essential for deepening the customer's connection
with the product and the range on offer.

Return on Investment?
X Shore is described as an innovator — a disruptive manufacturer introducing electric propulsion where fuel-guzzling engines once dominated. Xshore distributes its boats globally, and the response from press and customers has been overwhelming. Considering the investment in images and software, the company could hardly hope for better feedback than this
in media
X Shore presenterar ny bowrider
med bättre prestanda
Båtliv 2024
X Shore Bowrider launched as new affordable-ish recreational electric boat
Electrek 2024
New X Shore 1 electric bowrider
hits the market
Plugboats 2024
X Shore lanserar ny sober bowrider –
ska öppna större marknader
Skippo 2024
team credits
Developer QTE​
Production: Swedish Frames AB​
Senior 3D Artist: Simon Karlsson
3D Artists: Johanna Gåhlin
3D Artists: Samuel Mauritzson