showcase DMEC
How will we produce energy in the future? Dutch Marine Energy Centre DMEC wants to explore, develop, and implement the idea of large-scale energy production at sea. But photographing massive energy parks before they exist is not possible. Creating super animations from the sea was assigned to Swedish industry label StoryTech® (Swedish Frames).
360 video
Still Images
Look around the energy parks using your cursor in the 360 video below!
On paper, it's brilliant. Wind, solar, and ocean energy are abundant - but how does it become electricity? DMEC is one of many entities working towards massive offshore energy parks where Wind Power, Solar Power, and Wave Power coexist in the same infrastructure.
For VFX artists at Swedish Frames and StoryTech®, scale is the major challenge.
The images depicting vast water surfaces, thousands of solar panels, and moving wind turbines must be rendered and calculated before they are ready. The team uses supercomputers - rendering farms - to simulate the images photorealistically.
With the VR headset, it's possible to view environments on-site as if you were there. However, VR isn't just for entertainment. Engineers and project developers use this tool to gain an overview of whether their designs hold up in reality.
Experts. Johanna Gåhlin works at the intersection of art and science.
Engineers check her models and they must be one hundred percent
accurate - but also visually beautiful. VR is ultimately an experience.
StoryTech®'s VR films will be widely used across Europe to showcase the advantages of offshore energy parks. We are working for the future of energy - and we are the first to be able to show what it will look like when everything is completed.
team credits
Client: DMEC - Dutch Marine Energy Centre
Film production: Swedish Frames AB
Producer: Jonatan Kruse