showcase Looklet
Höga krav, tekniska svårigheter och visuell noggrannhet å ena sidan. Budget å andra. Läs om Swedish Frames samarbete med några av landets skickligaste kreatörer, som till slut gav resultatet vi önskade!
3D Sculpting

From photographed clothing in greenscreen studio to high-quality images with 3D model
With a background that often combines technical expertise with creativity, Swedish Frames was invited to collaborate with Looklet. The mission? To enhance the efficiency and quality of their existing processes while expanding the library of models and poses.
At Swedish Frames, we specialize in marrying technical precision with creative insight. With this background, we, together with Looklet, proposed the idea of incorporating 3D technology into their workflow and actively participated in its implementation.
Our work involved developing two distinct 3D models, both based on 3D scanning and photogrammetry of a real person. The first 3D model was custom-designed for molds - to create the green mannequin that would occupy the physical photo studio. The second model was an identical twin but fine-tuned and optimized to achieve high-quality photorealistic renderings.
Each model was crafted to ensure that the final products were not only visually impressive but also efficient and functional within Looklet's innovative workflow.

We tailored a solution that embraced the latest technology in 3D scanning and CGI. By creating hyper-realistic 3D models with high-resolution texture maps, we were able to produce renderings at a staggering 12k resolution.
One of the challenges was the requirement that the renderings should feel correctly lit and retouched in their raw format while seamlessly blending with Looklet's existing library of models and images.
Our collaboration with Looklet resulted in improved efficiency and higher quality images. With a combination of our technical expertise and creative touch, the process became faster, and the images became better, all without compromising creative freedom.

At Swedish Frames, we are steadfast in our commitment to continue pioneering in the field of visual communication and brand development. Each project, including our successful collaboration with Looklet, serves as a step towards realizing this vision.
We continually blend technical precision with artistic innovation, and with our gaze firmly set on the future, we are ready to define and reshape the landscape of fashion and image production to come.